siliconvita have an idea?

Have an idea you want to build?



Silicon VITA is a full stack I.T. development agency. Established in 2011; the Silicon VITA team consists of seasoned professionals with vast business experience whom are both creative and original. We work with entrepreneurs, startups and corporate to develop their ideas and bring their projects to life. In this time, we have touched almost every industry. As a tech company we mainly work remote but will make the necessary arrangements to meet in person if necessary. Rebranded in 2022 from Silicon Burg. Please see our numbers


The world of technology is changing so fast; with some fresh blood and new ideas Silicon VITA aims not only to be relevant now but to still be at the forefront of our industry in the future. Silicon Burg was formed to serve Web2. Now the vision of Silicon VITA is be a player in Web3. We want to keep building systems and we want to keep making a difference. Furthermore, our goal is to service not only our local communities or our continent but be international too.

Projects Completed







software engineering

Software Engineering

Build your own software to make your operations more efficient and streamlined so you can grow without barriers. Silicon VITA will develop custom solutions for your company's needs that will make the difference, ensuring you have the competitive advantage.

mobile app development

Mobile App Development

Whether you have an innovative idea for an app or need an app for your business, Silicon VITA has the experience and knowledge to develop what you require. A mobile app empowers you to reach your current clients and expose yourself to others that did not know about you. Developing for Android, iOS and HUAWEI, Silicon VITA can enable you to reach up to 98% of smart device users.

web design

Web Design 

A website is the most cost-effective way to promote your business, showcase what you do and give you the opportunity (available everyday 24/7) to reach your widest target market. 80% of consumers use the internet to search for products/services they need before they make a purchase. Come to Silicon VITA to make your digital address reflect your modern, sleek and professional company. Other services we provide here are: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Web Analytics, Social Media Integration, Ecommerce and Hosting. Finally, we ensure all our work is mobile responsive.

database frameworks

Database Frameworks

Need a system in place for you to securely capture, update and collect your data?
Silicon VITA can put in place the digital infrastructure so you can generate, manage or modify your information. We believe in agile methodologies which enables dynamic foundations that can scale and hence stand the test of time. We also deploy current technologies – no more legacy restrictions

api generation

API Generation

APIs allow services (web and mobile) to communicate with each other and existing business systems. They open up huge data integration and should be at the center of your data integration strategy. If your entity is cross-platform (with different types of computing devices on different operating systems) and various departments are situated in different locations, then an API will transform how your organization runs, allowing for optimal communication, collaboration and interaction in your business activities. An API is the link you need between all those assets creating an ecosystem that is platform agnostic.

Assisted Clients





siliconvita ideation


Believe you have a rough diamond but just need an extra hand to polish/smooth out the edges so you can conquer the world. At Silicon VITA we have been working in the world of ideas and one of our founding mandates is to develop the next big thing. We will happily sign NDA’s and we will respect your I.P. Hope to chat to you soon.

siliconvita brand identity creation

Brand Identity Creation

This process is highly underestimated and it is a vital part of starting a business is creating a brand. This involves so many processes and checks which includes logo, slogan font/typography, colors, domain and hosting. The Silicon VITA team has been aiding our clients with this for more than a decade. Contact us now!

siliconvita digital designs

Digital Designs

siliconvita ui


The concept of user interface (UI) is a skill that combines the knowledge of technical subjects with the design elements of a product to create an attractive and functional layout. The goal of UI is to make the digital displays to end-user experience as appealing and enjoyable as possible.

siliconvita ux


The application of UX (User Experience) is mainly focused on the ensuring full usability of the final product (MVP or POC) by the end-user in every aspect of a product development. UX designers research and apply many concepts to effectively preform their expertise. Another part of the role is also identifying new opportunities and at times analysing the user data/client feedback.

siliconvita digitization


In the 21st century, digitizing processes and digitizing documentation will take your business to the next level. Where possible we will also introduce automation to boost your productivity. Faster/easier work flows, saving time and allowing you accomplish more than ever! At Silicon VITA we offer a free consultation and hope to service you soon.

siliconvita compliance


Is your existing or future business compliant within your industry keeping privacy laws (GDPR and POPI Act) in mind ? Are you aware there are fines in place but worse than this would be a damaged reputation? Moreover, data is the new oil; is all your data organized and under your possession? Is your data accessible to all departments of your business and ready to be granted access to other 3rd party partners to unlock more capabilities? You will not regret taking the next steps of this journey with Silicon VITA.


Address 1 :

Cape Town, 12 Hershcel Road, Claremont, 7708

Address 2 :

Johannesburg, 138 West Street, Sandton, 2031


+27 76 465 6479


Being compliant to GDPR and POPI Act laws please know all 3 tick boxes below need to be checked before this contact form can be submitted. Thank you

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